When Klaris started, we went on a journey through the world of logos and brand names. Today, we shine as Klaris, a name that understands and represents the significance of making a lasting impression. Inspired by the essence of "Minnesota nice," Klaris brings elegance and simplicity to the table, highlighting the term "Ice" in its name to evoke a sense of coolness and clarity. The logo, featuring five stacked cubes, symbolizes the transparent layers found in both Klaris cubes and the company. The layered logo also is a nod to the directional freezing process and 3D printing, reflecting the brand's background in this innovative technology. So what is the meaning and history behind this remarkable logo and brand name, and what sets Klaris’s brand development apart in the world of craftsmanship? Let's dive in!!
Logo and Name Development
The logo of Klaris is an enchanting blend of modernity and simplicity, with a profound meaning behind its design. Drawing inspiration from crystal patterns etched onto classic cocktail glasses and a rich 3D printing history, the logo embodies the concept of building ice layer by layer using directional freezing. It skillfully plays with depth of field, intersecting patterns and transparency of the ice which is also used as symbol of transparency for the company creating a visually intriguing mark that transforms depending on one's perspective.
Not only does this design reflect the process of making the layered cube but also thinking of Klaris as a whole. The logo is versatile and exudes a clean and elegant aesthetic. Interesting note: the brand name "Klaris" derives from Danish words for "clear ice," condensing a sense of clarity and uniqueness even without literal translation and also a name in nordic cultures, giving a personality to the company and device. This combination of design and linguistic elements results in a logo that truly represents the spirit of Klaris.
Brand Image
The brand image of Klaris is carefully curated to evoke the core of clear, cold, and fresh ice. The color palette chosen for Klaris is a visual representation of these qualities, predominantly featuring a modern soft black and white combination. Muted blues and teals are added to complement the palette, while a contrasting yellow brings warmth, curiosity, and a human touch. In terms of photography, Klaris showcases both the fun side of its brand and the crystal-clear nature of its ice. The photographs capture the human element involved in making the ice and enjoying simple pleasures. Authenticity is key, with images avoiding excessive posing, artificiality, or belittling competitors. Klaris Craft Ice presents a brand image that not only entices but also reflects the genuine qualities of their product.
Translation into Klaris
The mission statement of Klaris beautifully aligns with the brand's visual style and overall translates seamlessly. It serves as a foundation for which the flavors of your favorite drink are built, emphasizing a layered attention to detail. Recognizing that ice is the soul of a drink, Klaris constructed a firm foundation cube by cube, offering clear solutions that preserve the heart of cocktails. The brand's friendly, curious, and detail-obsessed approach is dedicated to creating clean solutions that elevate everyday rituals and make them exceptional. All of this is captured to emphasize that Klaris is not just a brand; it is the foundational layer that brings all the elements of your drink together, embodying the character of quality and sophistication.
Development Process
The early stages and inception of Klaris marked the birth of a brand vision that sought to revolutionize the world of ice for cocktails. The development process of the logo and brand name was a meticulous journey, driven by a deep understanding of the brand's mission and visual identity. Countless creative decisions and iterations were made with names like Precise, Optimis and even Iceli in the running but to ensure that the logo and name captured the heart of clarity, sophistication, and layered attention to detail was prioritized.
The journey of Klaris through the world of logos and brand names has led to the creation of a brand that embodies elegance, simplicity, and the art of making a lasting impression. The logo symbolizes the brand's innovative spirit, the brand image, reflected in the color palette and photography, captures the core of clear, fresh ice and the joy of simple pleasures. With a commitment to clarity, Klaris has laid the groundwork to revolutionize the world of cocktail ice. As the brand continues to evolve, we remain dedicated to the vision of enhancing everyday rituals and making them exceptional. Stay tuned for Pt.2 of this blog where we share the history of Klaris and how far we’ve come these last few years and what Klaris looks like today!!